Services Offered

Physical therapy, Pilates, and pelvic floor PT, specializing in performing-arts medicine, sports rehabilitation, and injury prevention. Mims Method Physical Therapy is proud to have a network of other medical and wellness practitioners we'd love to refer you to.

Please contact us if interested!

Physical Therapy

why physical therapy works
  • Receive a comprehensive evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment plan.
  • Find relief with soft-tissue massage, joint mobilizations, functional mobilization.
  • Learn therapeutic exercises, neuromuscular re-education, postural reeducation, dance technique and injury reduction strategies, home exercise programs.
  • Improve movement and recovery with kinesiology taping, stability taping, cupping, instrument-assisted soft-tissue mobilization.


pilates benefits
  • Pilates is a mind-body exercise that provides daily conditioning, promotes whole-body health, and develops mental awareness to optimize your personal performance.
  • It's a safe form of exercise and cross-training for injury prevention and for rehabilitation post-injury. Pilates focuses on core stability, improving flexibility, and increasing strength.
  • Each session is one-on-one with a therapist for a full hour.

Pelvic Floor PT

pelvic floor therapy nyc
  • Receive a comprehensive evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment plan.
  • Experience a thorough and holistic approach to reproductive health, fertility, and sexual function.
  • Our team is here to support you through all of the stages of pregnancy and beyond.

Sports Rehab

physical therapy telehealth
  • Return to your sport while preventing future injuries.
  • Learn how to reduce pain and injury during a workout. Sessions will focus on improving form while exercising smarter.
  • Each session is one-on-one with a physical therapist for a full hour.

Dance Medicine

westside dance physical therapy
Ella Titus, Miami City Ballet | Alexander Iziliaev, Photographer

Backstage PT

physical therapy broadway nyc

Our Shows:

broadway chicago physical therapy
musical theater physical therapy
dance physical therapy
broadway beetlejuice physical therapy
broadway madonna physical therapy
soho rep's Wolf Play MCC Theater
broadway buena vista social club
space dogs musical physical thearpy
the outsiders musical
the wrong man ross golan
which way to the stage ana nogueira
broadway the play that goes wrong

Book Your Appointment

Flexible hours | Free phone consultation